What is Consciousness?

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Consciousness is a fascinating and complex phenomenon that has puzzled scientists, philosophers, and researchers for centuries. It is defined as the state or quality of being aware of and able to think and perceive one’s surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and experiences. However, there is no single accepted definition or theory that fully captures its nature. Many models and frameworks have been proposed, each with its own perspective on the levels and states of consciousness.

One common way of categorizing the levels of consciousness is through five different levels. Level 1 involves being conscious of the external world through sensory perception, including awareness of objects, people, events, and the environment. Level 2 is self-awareness, which involves recognizing oneself as an individual separate from the external world. Level 3 is the conscious processing of thoughts and emotions, including reflecting on one’s mental states and experiences. Level 4 is higher-order consciousness, which includes abstract reasoning, creativity, imagination, and other complex cognitive abilities. Finally, level 5 is transcendent consciousness, which involves states of deep meditation, spiritual experiences, and altered states of consciousness.

Despite the various models and theories surrounding consciousness, it is crucial to look within oneself and tap into the inner wisdom, feel the shifts, changes, and experiences in different states, and connect with the inner knowing. One way to achieve this is through the Connecting to Super-Conscious Self-Hypnosis Workshop, led by the renowned Clare Seagrave.

This workshop provides an exciting opportunity to enhance one’s overall well-being and connect with universal energy, the all-knowing part of oneself. The workshop offers a unique and powerful approach to accessing the super-conscious mind that holds infinite knowledge, makes important decisions, and can transform every aspect of one’s life.

Over two days on the Connecting to Super-Conscious Online Workshop with host Clare Seagrave, attendees will learn the fascinating history of pendulums and learn how to use them for a variety of purposes, including decision-making. They will delve into the world of hypnosis, where they will access three different levels of consciousness, exploring its benefits and experiencing three hypnosis journeys.

By setting up different levels of consciousness, attendees will gain the tools to access them whenever they require. The first level is “Peace,” a place of calm and tranquillity, which one can access to calm the mind, body, and spirit.

The second level is “Deep,” a place of connection to Earth, its frequency, and healing energy, for when one feels the need to “come back to Earth” and out of their head or when feeling flustered.

The third level is “High,” a place outside of the body, where one can connect to universal energy, a higher source, or for some people, God. High is where the decision-maker resides, where changes can be made to every aspect of one’s being, and meditation practices can reach new levels. There is also a space of “Divine,” but one must master the Peace, Deep, and High levels first before accessing this level.

Once these levels are locked into the subconscious, attendees can access them within seconds, giving them the power to make positive changes in their lives and get clear on their life vision. By accessing these levels, attendees are taking themselves into hypnosis, and they then have the knowledge to change the sub-conscious mind programming.

In conclusion, consciousness is a fascinating and complex phenomenon, and the study of consciousness remains a challenging and exciting area of research. However, tapping into one’s inner knowing and accessing different levels of consciousness can help individuals transform their lives positively. The Connecting to Super-Conscious Self-Hypnosis Workshop offers an excellent opportunity to do just that and enhance one’s overall well-being.

Here are two famous studies on consciousness along with links to their corresponding publications, but these still remain in the physical body in many ways;

The Global Neuronal Workspace Model of Conscious Access proposed by Bernard Baars in 1993. The model suggests that consciousness arises from a global workspace of neurons that broadcast information to the entire brain. The publication can be found here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016643289390106P

The Libet Experiment conducted by Benjamin Libet in 1983. The experiment aimed to explore the relationship between conscious awareness and neural activity by measuring the timing of conscious decisions in relation to neural activity. The publication can be found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6836282